Success Stories
Latest Announcements
Bank of India, invites online applications for engagement of 400 Apprentices.
Indian Overseas Bank invites applications for the engagement of 750 Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961, for the financial year 2024-25.
Engagement of Apprentices under The Apprentices Act, 1961 in Pipelines Division of Indian Oil Corporation Limited
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates who have passed Technical Diploma for undergoing Apprenticeship Training under the Apprentice Act 1961 at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Barrackpore Division, Kolkata-700120.
Notification for Engagement of Trade/Technician/Graduate Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 at IOCL (Marketing Division), Eastern Region
Listing of students passed out Diploma in Mining Engineering in the FTP panel prepared by establishments under Coal India Subsidy.
Re-opening of NATS 1.0 portal on demand of stakeholders.
Uploading of RoP for Establishments for Generation of Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) for Apprentices in NATS 2.0 portal.
Mobilization of students to fill-up vacant slots notified under NATS.
Use of Facilitate Training & Placement (FTP) module available in NA TS 2.0 portal for issuing Award/ Call Letter to students for joining as apprentice.
Minutes of the TPA Meet held on 20.12.2024
Detail Notice for NATS Aspirants
Approved Job Roles/Courses for Assessment and Creditisation of Apprentices under NATS.
Sample MOU For Final Year Graduate & Diploma Students
Submission of Claim Bills & upload ofRoP through NATS 1.0 portal.
Minutes of the TPA Meet held on 25.09.2024
Assessment and Creditisation of Apprenticeship under NATS
Engagement of Apprentices
UGC Communication dated 20th August 2024 to HEIs for implimenting of NATS.
Submission of Claim Bills generated through NATS 2.0 portal as a part of reimbursement.
Letter Format to be submitted on original Letter Head of the Establishment on PAN India basis
Submission of Apprentice Claim Bills for FY 2021-24 Before 15.09.2024
- ➤ Implementation of DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) in the establishments covered by TPA under NATS. 02-07-2024
- ➤ List of QP/NOS for Assessment Framework ( NATS ) 27-06-2024
- ➤ Framing Credit Mechanism for Apprenticeship Training under National ApprenticeshipTraining Scheme (NATS) 26-06-2024
- ➤ Standard Operating Procedure for Successful DBT Registration on NATS 2.0 Portal 30-05-2024
- ➤ Tentative Schedule for Apprenticeship-Cum-Job Fair 2024-25 22-05-2024
- ➤ Minutes of the TPA Meet held on 17/05/2024 21-05-2024
- ➤ NOTICE: TPA Workshop on 17th May 2024 03-05-2024
- ➤ Demonstration on payment of Central Govt. share of stipend through DBT.(3rd, 6th and 7th May 2024 between 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM) 01-05-2024
- ➤ Demonstration on Implementation of Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) for all the establishments (including Private establishments) located in Eastern Region and registered in NATS with BOPT(ER) 01-05-2024
- ➤ Model Copy of Memorandum of Understanding 26-04-2024
- ➤ Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Grievance redressal system for the convenience of the Establishments. 23-04-2024
- ➤ Implementation of Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) in NATS for all Central/State Govt. Departments, PSUs as well as Private Sector Establishments. 23-04-2024
- ➤ Inclusion of Diploma in Non-Engineering pass outs in the Target Group for implementation ofNational Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS). 22-04-2024
- ➤ Payment of Central Govt. share of stipend to the apprentices henceforth through DBT mode only for State Govt. & Central Govt. Departments and PSUs only. 29-02-2024
- ➤ Demonstration on payment of Central Govt. share of stipend through DBT.(Friday 1st, Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th March · 11:30am) 27-02-2024
- ➤ Aadhaar and Bank details editing option available on NATS 2.0 portal -from 27.02.2024 to 04.03.2024 27-02-2024
- ➤ Implementation of DBT in NATS for State and Central Govt. Deptts. & PSUs located in Eastern Region and registered in NATS with BOPT (ER). 23-02-2024
- ➤ Implementation of DBT in NATS for PSUs and Govt. organizations located in the jurisdiction of BOPT (ER). 13-02-2024
- ➤ Minutes of the TPA Meet held on 07/02/2024 09-02-2024
- ➤ Implementation of an Email OTP verification process for student registration on NATS 2.0 portal 07-02-2024
- ➤ NATS 2.0 – Aadhaar, Bank details and Institute details editing option available from 01.02.2024 to 05.02.2024 02-02-2024
- ➤ Implementation of DBT in NATS in Phased Manner 27-01-2024
- ➤ List of provisionally selected Candidates who appeared in the interview conducted at NSHM Knowledge Campus, Durgapur 11-01-2024
- ➤ Edit window for active apprentices registered on NATS 2.0 portal 08-01-2024
- ➤ Video conferencing meeting with the stakeholders (Establishments) registered under NATS with BOPT(ER), Kolkata for demonstrating DBT facility in NATS 2.0 portal. 05-01-2024
- ➤ Important Role of Establishments for Successful Implementation of DBT 01-01-2024
- ➤ Video conferencing meeting with the stakeholders (Establishments) registered under NATS with BOPT(ER), Kolkata for demonstrating DBT facility in NATS 2.0 portal. 01-01-2024
- ➤ DBT – Standard Operating Procedure 29-12-2023
- ➤ Guide to successful DBT beneficiary registration 28-12-2023
- ➤ Implementation of DBT on NATS Notification - 2 28-12-2023
- ➤ Implementation of DBT on NATS Notification - 1 28-12-2023
- ➤ Implementation of Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) in NATS w.e.f. 01.01.2024 for all Active Contract / Apprentices in NATS 1.0 / NATS 2.0 portal. 28-12-2023
- ➤ Requirements of Civil & Electrical Engineer's in different departments / corporations of GOVT. of Bihar 21-12-2023
- ➤ Promotion for Organ donation All Bureau Heads 12-12-2023
- ➤ Payment of Central Govt. share of stipend to active apprentices through DBT mechanism for the stipend month November, 2023 onwards. 04-12-2023
- ➤ Record of discussion of the meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble Minister, MSDE &MoE to discuss amendment in the "Apprentices Act, 1961" on 17th August, 2021 at Shastri Bhawan. 17-11-2023
- ➤ Minutes of the TPA Meet held on 17/10/2023 17-10-2023
- ➤ Use of NATS 2.0 Portal ( for all NATS related work for Establishments, Institutes and Students. 16-08-2023
- ➤ Use of NATS 2.0 portal 09-08-2023
- ➤ Minutes of the TPA Meet held on 21/07/2023 21-07-2023
- ➤ List of shortlisted cadidates: Results of Pentapolis' Foundation - Walk in Interview 18-07-2023
- ➤ Minutes of the TPA Meet held on 17/06/2023 17-06-2023
- ➤ Walk in Interview 02-06-2023
- ➤ Minutes of the TPA Meet held on 23/05/2023 23-05-2023
- ➤ Creation of Contract of Apprenticeship within seven days from the date of commencement of training 27-04-2023
- ➤ Demand of Financial or any other favours on the name of BOPT or any of its Officers 13-04-2023
- ➤ Allowing joining of apprentices under NATS only after the student provide a valid NATS Enrolment ID to the establishment. 01-04-2023
- ➤ List of Candidates provisionally selected for Apprenticeship in the interview conducted on 30.01.23 & 31.01.23 at Kolkata 14-02-2023
- ➤ List of Candidates provisionally selected for Apprenticeship in the interview conducted on 30.01.23 & 31.01.23 at Patna 14-02-2023
- ➤ List of Candidates provisionally selected for Apprenticeship in the interview conducted on 30.01.23 & 31.01.23 at Jamshedpur 14-02-2023
- ➤ List of Candidates provisionally selected for Apprenticeship in the interview conducted on 30.01.23 & 31.01.23 at Guwahati 14-02-2023
- ➤ Eastern Regional Apprenticeship-cum-Job Mela, 2023 List of Candidates provisionally selected for Apprenticeship in the interview conducted on 30.01.23 & 31.01.23 at Bhubaneswar 14-02-2023
- ➤ Call for de-empanelment of NATS TPA. 23-08-2022
- ➤ Operational Guidelines for NATS TPA 01-08-2022
- ➤ Download Report Format of TPA 01-08-2022
- ➤ Nomination of Nodal Officers for NATS TPAs as Single Point of Contact 01-08-2022